Resources for further explorations
Have you attended any of my lectures and want to access some of the handy resources I mentioned there? This page holds a series of playlists with useful resources on movement, breathwork, meditation, self-regulation techniques, neuroscience for musicians or thought-input on topics of body-mind-health. Further down you will find a series of links to Books, podcasts, videos, scientific articles, and homepages related to my lectures on the Nervous System, Pain Science, and the Fascia system. For the curious mind.
Want to learn how you can integrate the topics from these lectures into your own playing/life?
Guided meditations
Cell-awareness meditation. by Miriam Hlavaty
Remember what it felt like to go on explorations as a child? I invite you here to come on an exploration into a highly familiar yet probably totally forraign landscape: a journey into the cells of your body. This short 16 min somatic meditation is a guided meditation which is part of the lecture on the Fascia system.
In many ways the Fascia system can be said to be the interface between mind and body and using it as a focus point for a meditation is an excellent way of anchoring your awareness in your body and calming the nervoussystem during stress.
Ocean breath meditation. by Miriam Hlavaty
This short 15 min guided meditation is a gentle way to lower stress and to soothe the nervoussystem. It involves elements from somatic meditation and the two breath techniques Combined Coherent Breathing by Drs. Richard Brown and Patricia Gerbarg and Concious Connective Breathing by Jeremy Youst.
For the greatest benefit try turning it into a daily routine of 15 - 20 min each day.
Peripheral Vision Meditation. by Miriam Hlavaty
Elements of this meditation is part of the Hawaiian Hakalau Practise but similar practices is also found in other traditions like in the GAAWO- practice of Sandy Newbigging. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system, helps to calm us down and make us present and aware, yet relaxed. Used when you are alone it is a great technique for relaxation but with practice it can also be used in order to be able to stay focused in situations that might be unpleasent or stressful. For musicians it can give an extra dimention when playing and can, in some situations, be a great tool to use against stage fright. If meditation tends to make you "zone out" or dissosiate this is a great way to bring more presence to your practice.
Great Playlists for musicians and movers
Playlist for breathwork
Playlist neuroscience for musicians
Playlist for movement
Playlist for meditation
Playlist for somatic self-regulation
Playlist about the mind-body connection
Somatic Practices for Stress release
Ever felt, during high levels of stress, that rest or relaxation feels almost counter-productive?
Our nervoussystem and endocrine system works in a delicate balance alowing us to respond and react to whatever we encounter but in times of constant strain we are sometimes forced to stay in states of high activation for a long period of time. In these times structured concious activation of the body can also trigger our biological built-in mechanisms of restoration (check out Peter Levine´s work in his book «Waking the tiger» for more on this). Here is a short follow-along video of a somatic routine which combines two types of physical activation which helps with overwhelm through movement and embodiment.
Trauma and the Nervous system - A polyvagal perspective
Dr Gabor Maté: When the Body Says No. The Mind/Body and the stress/disease connection
Bessel van der Kolk: The Body Keeps the Score
The Man Who Lost His Body. BBC documentary about Proprioception
Deb Dana: Engaging the rythm of regulation. A Polyvagal theory-guided approach to therapy
The Neuroscience and power of Safe Relationships - interview with Stephen Porges on Relationship School Podcast
Tools for managing Stress and Anxiety - The Huberman Lab Podcast
Childhood Trauma, Affect Regulation and Borderline Personality Disorder - Lecture by Bessel van der Kolk
Bessel van der Kolk: The Body Keeps the Score. Penguin Books Ltd
Deb Dana: The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy. Engaging the Rhythm of Regulation. WW Norton & co
Gabor Maté: When the Body says No. Exploring the stress-disease connection. Turner Publ. Company
Stanley Robertson: The Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve. North Atlantic Books. US
Stephen Levin: Waking the Tiger. North Atlantic Books. US
Stephen Levin: In an Unspoken Voice. North Atlantic Books. US
Candace B. Pert: Molecules of Emotion. Simon&Shuster. UK
L. Wimberger: Neurosculpting. Sounds True, US
Stephen Porges: The Pocket Guide to the Polyvagal Theory. WW Norton & co
Paarup, H.M. Baelum, J. Holm, J. W.. Manniche, C. wedderkopp, N. (2011): Prevalence and consequences of musculoskeletal symptoms in symphony orchestra musicians vary by gender: a cross-sectional study. BMC musculoskeletal disorders.
Eide-Midtsand, N. (2017): The importance of being safe. part 1. Journal of Norway Assosiation of Psychology. (In Norwegian)
Eide-Midtsand, N. (2017): The importance of being safe. part 2. Journal of Norway Assosiation of Psychology. (In Norwegian)
Goldstein. D. Adrenal Responses to Stress. NIH public access article
Joint hypermobility and anxiety. The state of the art
Interoception contemplative practice and health. Frontiers
Emotional and Physcial Pain activate the same breain regions. Psychology today
How do you feel? Interoception: the sense of the physiological condition of the body
Rutstein. The Neuroscience of Self-Regulation. The Brain-Change-Summit
About the Nervous system
The Bullet-proof Radio: Interview with Stephen Porges
The Body Awake: The Vagus Nerve and the Social Engagement System
Bliss and Grit: The Awakening Nervous System part 2
Bliss and Grit: Neurosculpting. Lisa Wimberger part I.
Bliss and Grit: Neurosculpting. Lisa Wimberger part II.
Sounds True: Matt Gutman. Conquering a lifetime of panic attacks
About Pain
Better movement podcast: Dr. Melissa Farmer on pain and emotional learning
Like mind like body podcast (curable): Hope for healing from pelvic floor disorder. With Evely Hecht
Fascia - A New Concept - A great informative movie about fascia and some of the main researchers in the field of Fascia
The Fascia episode on Body Align Pro - Interview with Robert Schleip
Fascia: The body´s Remarkable Functional Glue (This video should be seen in combination with the video "Does Fascia Stretch" by Gil Hedley, as it needs some important additions regarding the concept of "stretching" Fascia)
Does Fascia Stretch - Gil Hedley
Alice in Wonderland. Lecture by Robert Schleip on the Third International Fascia Research Congress
Stretching, Connective tissue, Chronic pain and Cancer. Lecture by Helen Langevin. Osher Center for integrative medicine at Harward Medical School
Fascia and the Mind-Body connection by David Lesondak - Great lecture from the Third International Fascia research Congress
Strolling under the skin - (Warning: Very dens scientific language but great images from Fascia in Vitro)
The integral Anatomy Series. by Gil Hedley - A wonderful series of 8 dissection videos which focuses on the fascia throughout the body, available for free on youtube. It will show pictures from human dissection so be prepared for this.
Anatomy trains. Tom Myers full interview
Tom Myers: Biomechanics- Isolation vsus Integration
Welcome to the world of EDS. Tips and trics for the newly Diagnosed - Webinar concerning the Fascial disorders EDS and HSD (Ehler-Danlos Syndroms and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders)
R. Schleip. Fascial fitness. Lotus publishing
D. Lesondak: Fascia. What it is and why it matters. Handspring publishing
G. Scarr: Biotensegrity. The Structural Basis of Life. Handspring pub.
Katy Bowman: Movement Matters. Propriometics Press
Candace B. Pert, Ph.d: Molecules of Emotion. Simon & Schuster
Thomas W. Myers: Anatomy trains. Churchill Livingstone
Deane Juhan: Job´s body. Barrytown Ltd. U.S.
Carla Stecco: Functional Atlas of the Human Fascial System. Elsevier Health Sciences
A. Stecco, M. Gesi, C. Stecco, R. Stern: Fascial components of the myofascial Pain Syndrom. 2013
Dr. Antonio Stecco MD, PhD: The relationship between fascia and pain
The Fascia Guide - a comprehensive collection of research articles, news, blogs