Januar 2025
Oslo Yogafestival
Fascia - connecting people
Fasciasystemet forbinder alle deler av kroppen og fungerer som rammeverket for våre muskler, nerver og organer. Det er et levende system som kontinuerlig tilpasser seg kroppens nåværende opplevelser og bærer med seg spor fra tidligere erfaringer. I denne introduksjonen utforsker vi hvordan fascia påvirker og påvirkes av smerte, bevegelsesmønstre og hormoner.
1 times forelesning

November 2022
NTNU, Trondheim
Prestasjonsforberedelser for musikere
Bionevrologi, stress-mestring og selv-regulering for musikere under utdannelse.
Bachelorstudiet i musikk
NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
2,5 timers forelesning og workshop
30 oktober 2021
Edvard Munch vgs, Oslo
Raske fingre og tunge armer – hvordan benytte anatomisk kunnskap for å oppnå en tryggere og mer behagelig pianoteknikk
Denne workshopen er en rask presentasjon og demonstrering av hvordan vi kan benytte anatomisk forståelse til å oppnå mer av det vi ønsker når vi spiller. En tung, men fri arm og raske fingre krever en spesifikk koordinasjon av musklene i hender, armer og skuldre med en kombinasjon av avspenning, men også aktivering i bestemte muskler som skal gi oss støtte. Denne støtten er avgjørende bl.a. for hurtig fingerspill. Derfor starter vi med en rask analyse av muskelaktivitet under spilling og hvilke muskler som bidrar til hva.
Deretter går vi gjennom praktiske øvelser som aktiverer og styrker relevante muskler for pianospill, og øvelser som gjør at man kan slappe mer av i de musklene som skal bidra til tyngde og bevegelsesfrihet. Vi er også raskt innom typisk muskelkoordinasjon som på lang sikt kan bidra til belastningsskader og hvordan vi som lærere kan være obs på dette hos våre elever. Vi holder oss ved pianoet så det er mulig å teste de ulike musklenes påvirkning på spillefølelsen underveis. Vi kommer også inn på temaet sitting, og hvilken konsekvens ulike posisjoner kan ha for bevegelighet og hurtighet i armer og fingre.
European Piano Teachers Assocciation (EPTA) konferansen
Lecture and workshop
oktober 2021
Prestasjonsforberedelser for musikere
Bachelorstudiet i musikk
NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
2 hour Lecture and workshop
27 april 2021
Neuroscience and motivational support for musicians part II
Neuroscience, stress regulation and mental and physical techniques for musicians
EUJAM European Jazz Master Program
hosted by NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
2 hour Lecture and workshop
20 march 2021
Akerselva Chamber music festival
"Child" for solo Cello
av Miriam Hlavaty
Uroppføring av solostykke for cello, fremført av Marit Johansen
Akerselva kammermusikkfestival
date to come.. spring 2021
Online event
The fascia system part II
Lecture III
This will be the third of three lecture/workshops about the Mind-body connection, with a special emphasis on the nervous system and the fascia system and how these can be used to broaden our understanding of movement, stress-management, trauma, pain and our miraculous fluid body.
More information to come..
Online event
The Fascia System and Pain science - an embodied experience
Lecture II
This will be the second of three lecture/workshops about the Mind-body connection, with a special emphasis on the nervous system and the fascia system and how these can be used to broaden our understanding of movement, stress-management, trauma, pain and our miraculous fluid body.
It is a key factor in movement dynamics of any form, the seat of your body-awareness (our interoception) and the scaffold of your nervous system. It also plays a vital part when it comes to pain.
Place: Zoom
Language: english
18 november 2020
Neuroscience and motivational support for musicians
Neuroscience, stress regulation and mental and physical techniques for musicians
EUJAM European Jazz Master Program
hosted by NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
Lecture and workshop
16 november 2020
Presentasjonsforberedelse i koronatider
Nevrovitenskap, stressregulering og studieteknikker
NTNU Bachelorstudiet i musikk 2020
Forelesning og workshop
20 september 2020
Online event
The Autonomic Nervous System and our internal systems of down-regulation
- from an embodied perspective
Lecture I
This will be the first of three lecture/workshops about the Mind-body connection, with a special emphasis on the nervous system and the fascia system and how these can be used to broaden our understanding of movement, stress-management, trauma, pain and our miraculous fluid body.
More than ever we need to cultivate our body's natural ability to sooth and down-regulate our stress responses - responses which, at the same time, are very natural given our present-day situation.
What does it mean to "down-regulate" something which is only a logical reaction to reality?
Is there, rather, a way to contain the experience of our reality today without paying the price of an overactive survival system?
We will cover ways to interact with the nervous system from a body-mind perspective.Firmly rooted in scientific facts, and with a direct relevance to our unique world situation today.
For more information see the facebookevent
If you are residing outside of Norway: please use this link to read more about the event and save your spot:
For anyone residing in Norway:
-payment through Norwegian bank transfer or VIPS is an option.
-To save your spot: register by email to mirhla@gmail.com
14 mai 2020
Trondheim, NORGE
"Resources for musicians during times of hightened stress during the Covid-19 crisis"
Special lecture/workshop for students and staff at the Jazz-department at the institute of Music, NTNU, Trondheim
Including lecture about the stress-model, the Autonomic nervous system and resources for self-regulation and balancing.
Techniques for praticing during stressful times
Somatic awareness and Mindfullness techniques
11 februar 2020
Trondheim, NORGE
"Performance Preperation - motivation, performance, stress-responses and the Nervous System for Musicians"
Lecture at the Bachelor program at the institute of Music, NTNU, Trondheim
25 januar 2020
Tønsberg, NORGE
The transformative power of the theatre.
A memorial talk of theatre, puppetry and surviving a world war at the celebration exhibit on the 100´aniversary of the death of Karel Hlavatý

21 mars 2019
Uroppføring av bestillingsverk for klaver, solo
ved Uhørt! Fagerborgfestspillene
fremført av Hans Kristian Ven Røstad

11-13 mai 2018
Bergen, NORGE
“Performance psychology: Nevrological and biomecanical principles for increased acheivment in music”
Lecture/workshop at the Masters program at the institute of Music, NTNU, Trondheim
25 februar 2018
Kristiansand, NORGE
Timani for musikere - 5 timers workshop
• Opplevd at kroppen har stått i veien for det du har ønsket å uttrykke musikalsk?
• Hatt elever som sliter fysisk med spilling og savnet konkrete verktøy for å se hvor problemet stammer fra og hvordan jobbe med det?
• Savnet kunnskap om de faktiske anatomiske forutsetningene for en "naturlig" pust?
• Ønsket å kunne ha mer tilstedeværelse og fokus i spillingen din, både under øving og framføring?
• Opplevd tilbakevendende fysiske problemer ved spilling og savnet kunnskap om hvorfor problemet stadig kommer tilbake og hvordan du kan endre dette?
I DENNE 5 TIMERS WORKSHOPEN vil du få teoretisk kunnskap, praktiske og fysiske øvelser med og uten instrument og en anledning til å implementere og prøve ut ny motorisk og nevrologisk kunnskap i ditt eget spill. Kursprisen inkluderer en privat oppfølgingstime. Tidspunkt for denne avtales under kurset
Sted: Hånes, Kristiansand
Dato: søndag 25 februar 11-16
Lærere: Miriam Hlavaty
Pris: 600,- dette innkluderer en oppfølgingstime med en timanilærer (verdt 500,-)og kompendium. Hvis du har deltatt på et helgekurs tidligere kan du delta for 400,- (inkluderer ikke oppfølgingstime).
For informasjon send en forespørsel eller påmelding til mirhla@gmail.com
26 - 28 January 2018
Copenhagen, DENMARK
Timani for musicians - introductory course
Do you feel your body sometimes gets in the way of your playing?
Does playing your instrument also include pain and discomfort?
Do you wish to be able to conciously control your access to a greater timbre, more flow and technical brilliance?
During this weekend course you will (among other things):
- Learn anatomy and physiology essential for musicians.
- Learn basic biomechanics that allows you to recognize and spot movment patterns which might contribute to- or, over time, accumulate into strain injuries (in students as well as in your own playing).
- Learn ways to train optimal coordination in your hands and feet (!) for playing an instrument or sing.
- Learn how to use your sitting and standing actively to create that beautiful sound you’ve always longed for.
- Learn the truth about shoulders – which muscles should relax (as people keep telling us), and which muscles actually NEED to be active in order to play an instrument and avoid injury.
- Learn which structures in the body that might hinder, interfere or enhance a free and natural breath while playing/singing.
- Learn how to work with and train the part of our nervous system that can give you an increased sense of presence and joy, during practice as well as performance.
This weekend course is a combination of theory coupled with practical exercises which enhances your coordination and a chance to implement the exercises into your own playing. In the practical part of the course you will also learn how to analyze and recognise elements of your own movement patterns and also learn to observe and analyse others.
Place: Copenhagen
Time: Friday 18 - 21, saturday 11 - 17, sunday 11 - 17
Teachers: Miriam Hlavaty og Oda Mathilde
- DKK 1900/1300 (regular/student), this includes one follow-up lesson and the Timani Manual.
- If you’ve previously attended a full weekend course you can repeat the course for DKK 600,- .
- If you have attended a previous shorter Timani course there is the possibility of getting a discount! Send me a word!
- Special discount for DKDM-students: DKK 990,-
For further information or to secure your spot, please contact Miriam at mirhla@gmail.com
24-26 november 2017
Timani for musikere - helgekurs
Under kurset kommer du (blant mye annet) til å få lære:
- Anatomi, fysiologi og nevrologi av spesiell relevans for musikere.
- Optimal koordinasjon i kropp, hender og føtter for å spille ett instrument/synge.
- Hvordan du skal bruke måten du sitter og står på for å skape den vakre klangen du alltid har drømt om.
- Sannheten om skuldre – hvilke muskler som skal slappe av (som vi hele tiden får høre) OG hvilke muskler som faktiskt MÅ være aktive for att vi skal kunne spille ett instrument og unngå skader.
- Støtte og pust sett ut i fra et anatomisk perspektiv og de fysiologiske forutsetningene for en "naturlig" pust
- Fysiske og mentale teknikker for økt tilstedeværelse under spilling og opptreden.
- Bevegelsesanalyse av eget og andres spill for evt å oppdage mulige grunner til nåværende belastninger og spenninger, og for å avverge framtidige spille-relaterte smerter og problemer.
Vi kommer til å gå gjennom mange øvelser og du får personlig hjelp med å overføre kunnskap til ditt instrument og spill. I tillegg får du øve på å observere og analysere andre for å få en dypere forståelse som kan brukes i undervisning av egne elever.
Sted: Holmlia, Oslo
Dato: 24 - 26 november. fredag 18 - 21, lørdag 11-17, søndag 11-17
Lærere: Miriam Hlavaty og Hans Kristian Ven Røstad
Pris: 2500,-/1800,- (vanlig/student), dette innkluderer en oppfølgingstime med en timanilærer (verdt 500,-)og kompendium. For 750,- kan du repetere kurset hvis du har deltatt på et helgekurs tidligere.
For informasjon send en forespørsel eller påmelding til mirhla@gmail.com
28-29 oktober 2017
Gøteborg, SVERIGE
Timani for musicians - introductory course
During the weekend you will (amongst other things) learn:
• Anatomy that is relevant for musicians.
• Optimal coordination in your hands and feet (!) for playing an instrument or sing.
• How to sit and stand to create that beautiful sound you’ve always longed for.
• The truth about shoulders – what muscles should relax (as people keep telling us), and what muscles actually NEED to be active in order to play an instrument to avoid injury.
• The anatomy of breathing and support
We will go through a lot of exercises that enhances your coordination and you will get the opportunity to try everything out on your instrument. In order to get a deeper understanding you will also learn to observe and analyse others.
Place: Gøteborg, Sverige
Teachers: Miriam Hlavaty og Marit Johansen
Price: SEK 2000/1500 (regular/student), this includes one follow-up lesson and the Timani Manual. For 600 Kr, you can repeat the course if you’ve attended an earlier weekend course.
For further information or to secure your place, please contact Marit at marit.johansen@live.se
05 september 2017
Trondheim, NORGE
Utøverpsykologi: Nevrologiske og biomekaniske prinsipper for økt prestasjon
Forelesning på Masterstudiet ved NTNU, Trondheim
25 - 26 August 2017
Copenhagen, DENMARK
2x4 hours Timani workshops in Copenhagen
Shoulders and neck - stability, ease and breath
4 Hour workshop in Timani
Place: Copenhagen
Time: Saturday 26 august 11 - 15
Price: €60 / DKK446 pr workshop
€90/DKK670 for both workshops combined
Teacher: Miriam Hlavaty
Most musicians experience stiff shoulders and tension or pain in the shoulders, neck and arms. We are told to "lower our shoulders", to "relax", to straighten our shoulders or pull our shoulders back. Most of these instructions are based on copying how something looks from the outside. However, when playing an instrument we are more interested in how something functions. In this workshop you will learn about the anatomy and biomechanics of the shoulders, and which muscles that needs to be working and which who needs to relax in order to have a natural and healthy technique.
This 4 hour workshop includes
- how the muscles in the shoulder can affect your timbre.
- how the muscles of the shoulder can affect your breath.
- exercises in order to enhance coordination in the shoulders
- how the rest of the body can help in relieving the shoulders of some of their work
- how the position of the scapula or shoulder blade is decisive in order to have a stable foundation and thereby a free arm.
Sitting - balance, stability, support and flow
4 Hour workshop in Timani
Place: Copenhagen
Time: Friday 25 august 16 - 20
Price: €60 / DKK446 pr workshop
€90/DKK670 for both workshops combined
Teacher: Miriam Hlavaty
In this workshop you will learn how to use your sitting in a way that can be supportive rather than straining for your body while playing. You will also learn how to use your sitting actively to support and enhance your musical intention and expression.
What does it mean to "sit well"? When we sit our pelvis is the foundation upon which the rest of our body is balancing. Therefor how we position it and how we use the different muscles around it affects the functionality of our upper body, shoulders, arms and fingers. There are a lot of myths regarding what it means to sit correctly. We are told to sit up straight, to sit in a relaxed way, to feel ourselves grounded. In this workshop you will be given a clearer understanding of how to sit in a way which, biomechanically and anatomically, gives your body the best working conditions for playing your instrument. This 4 hours workshop includes:
- Which muscles that needs to be active and which needs to relax in order to have a solid foundation for the rest of your body.
- How the way you sit affects your breath.
- How the way you sit affects the mobility of your shoulders.
- What type of chairs are best suited for a musician and how to adjust the chair to give you the support you need.
- How the way you are sitting could be a contributing factor if you are experiencing some reoccurring, tensional problems in your shoulders and arms.
18 -20 August 2017
Introductory course in Timani for musicians
Miriam Hlavaty
Timani helps you access and optimize the finely tuned coordination needed to perform music with the body and the mind as active and conscious helpers.
This course will leave you with a clearer understanding of subjects such as technique, sound, power and relaxation. You will receive theoretical knowledge of relevant anatomy, neurology and functionality pertaining to playing/singing and learn how to apply this knowledge in order to attain more as a musician. This knowledge is also highly useful in order to avoid or alleviate strain injuries related to playing/singing.
The course offers the chance of connecting theory and exercises through playing, which enables you to become independent in creating your own development. By mastering new parts of the body you will be surprised and inspired by the immediate effect on playing your instrument!
The course is open to anyone who wants to develop as a musician and/or music teacher.
€200/ €126 (student)
Sat and Sun 11-17
27 may 2017
6 Hour workshop in Timani
Place: Åbo, Finland
Time: Lørdag 27 mai 11 - 17
Teacher: Miriam Hlavaty
- Theoretical knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics with special relevance to musicians
- Movement analysis
- Physical exercises with and without instrument in order to access more of your musical potential
This course offers a new and deeper understanding of familiar terms such as “free movement”, “sound”, “support”, “power” and “relaxation”, terms that, in music teaching, are frequently used but often poorly explained.
This knowledge is also highly useful in order to avoid or alleviate strain injuries related to playing/singing.
Price: 65/50 Euros

22 february 2017
5 hours workshop in Timani for musicians
Sted: Malmø
Tid: 16.30 - 21.30
Teachers: Miriam Hlavaty
Price: SEK 640/480 (student). This includes a compendium
The course will be held in English
21 february 2017
Copenhagen, DENMARK
5 hours workshop in Timani for musicians
Sted: Copenhagen
Tid: 16.30 - 21.30
Teachers: Miriam Hlavaty and Siv Øyunn Kjenstad
Price: DK 500/380 (student). This includes a compendium
The course will be held in English
"Miriam er en veldig kunnskapsrik, rolig og tydelig Timanilærer. Hun har et ydmykt og varmt vesen som gjør det lett å snakke med og føle seg helt trygg på henne"
-Beate Mordal, operasanger
27 - 30 october 2016
Timani - Presence and interoception: Tools for achieving authenticity and enhanced physical coordination in students of music
Presentation at The Performers(') Present symposium at the Yong Siew Toh conservatory in Singapore
Students of classical music have multiple challenges on their way to a professional career: mastering their instruments on a high technical and artistic level and the ability to bring this mastery into the space of public performance under the heightened mental and psychological pressure which that situation brings. Throughout this process the student also needs to retain and enhance his or her own musical authenticity and finally: train their ability to stay in contact with this during performance as well as in the practice room.
To meet these challenges students who aim for a career within professional music need specific tools to cope with physical as well as mental and psychological challenges. In this situation the role of the teacher is also vital.
When we talk of the quality of a teacher what is usually meant is his or her technical or musical abilities and brilliance, what is often less emphasized is the importance of the specific state of presence from which the teacher instructs, and how this might impact the student, both physically and psychologically, and the tuition in general.
Timani is a new approach to vocal and instrumental performance where presence is viewed as a central aspect of teaching, playing and performance. This lecture is about why we need to include "presence" as part of our practice routine as well as in our performance, why “presence” as a state of awareness is intimately linked with the term interoception which, in turn is a pre-requisite for increased physical coordination, control and technical mastery of our main instrument- the body.
And finally: why a well- developed sense of interoception and teaching from a state of presence is essential for any teacher who wishes to encourage authenticity is his/her students.
13 september 2016
Trondheim, NORGE
Utøverpsykologi: Nevrologiske og biomekaniske prinsipper for økt prestasjon
Forelesning på Masterstudiet ved NTNU, Trondheim
29 - 31 july 2016
Innføringskurs i Timani for musikere
Sted: Oslo
Kursholdere: Maren Lovise Nygård og Miriam Hlavaty
Pris: NOK 2500/1800 (student). Dette inkluderer en oppfølgingstime med en Timanilærer i etterkant (500)
Krav: Åpent for alle som vil utvikle seg som musiker og pedagog.
29 april - 1 may 2016
Innføringskurs i Timani for musikere
Sted: KhiO, Oslo
Kursholdere: Magnus Dorholt og Miriam Hlavaty
Pris: NOK 2500/1800 (student). Dette inkluderer en oppfølgingstime med en Timanilærer i etterkant (500)
Krav: Åpent for alle som vil utvikle seg som musiker og pedagog.
30 october - 1 november 2015
Trondheim, NORGE
Innføringskurs i Timani for musikere
Sted: Trondheim (Ta kontakt for nærmere informasjon)
Kursholdere: Elin Marie Christensen og Miriam Hlavaty
Pris: NOK 2500/1800 (student). Dette inkluderer en oppfølgingstime med en Timanilærer i etterkant (500)
Krav: Åpent for alle som vil utvikle seg som musiker og pedagog.
23 - 25 october 2015
Innføringskurs i Timani for musikere
Tid: fredag 18-21, lørdag 11-17, søndag 11-17
Sted: Oslo (Ta kontakt for nærmere informasjon)
Kursholdere: Lotta Karlsson og Miriam Hlavaty
Pris: NOK 2500/1800 (student) Dette inkluderer en oppfølgingstime med en Timanilærer i etterkant (500)
Krav: Åpent for alle som vil utvikle seg som musiker og pedagog.
15 september 2015
Trondheim, NORGE
Utøverpsykologi: Nevrologiske og biomekaniske prinsipper for økt prestasjon
Forelesning på Masterstudiet ved NTNU, Trondheim
18 - 20 august 2015
Tromsø, NORGE
Arbeidsfysiologi. Introduksjonskurs
Forelesninger og gruppeundervisning, Tromsø Konservatorium
24 - 26 july 2015
Innføringskurs i Timani for musikere
Tid: fredag 18-21, lørdag 11-17, søndag 11-17
Sted: Oslo (Ta kontakt for nærmere informasjon)
Kursholdere: Henrik Vanvik-Hovstein og Miriam Hlavaty
Pris: NOK 2500/1800 (student) Dette inkluderer en oppfølgingstime med en Timanilærer i etterkant (500)
Krav: Åpent for alle som vil utvikle seg som musiker og pedagog.